Tuesday, March 30, 2010

First Best Day 2010! :)

Haha! Today's been a lot of fun! Lots of laughs.

First of all, I'm convinced that both of the people behind me hit each other all the time. It's just that Jia Yen hits harder and her hand is real hard like a piece of wood. Real hard wood. LOL!
This time, I hope she's reading this.
Jia Yen! If you're reading right now, I just wanna ask one thing, Do you have more catalogues for me and Jo to make our mark on?Haha.
Luckily, Jia Yen has hands that are not that long neither too fast. So I don't have MUCH bruises.LOL.

Funny. Jia Yen is the only person I know who drafts her blog in THREE pieces of paper. Wasting paper!

Then Jo and I wanna know what she wrote. She walked away and left us alone with the papers.
But we did not see. Cross my heart and hope to get a B in English.
She came back and called us people that cannot be trusted with her privacy. Something like that.
Then Jo scolded her, saying how can she not trust us??

Then she walked away and we peeked.

That just goes to show how trusting we can be.
But, I can actually be trusted with a REAL important secret.
And I don't think this classifies as IMPORTANT. Right, Jia Yen?

And this is my first best day. There are more but I'm too lazy. Go check out sohpoh+patpoh's blog if you wanna know.

And I'm definitely sure more days like this are coming my way. Well, as long as I have my sense of humour intact. And we both know that I won't lose it.
Unless something SERIOUSLY SAD and BAD happens.
And let's hope that doesn't.


  1. HAHHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA. KAHHHHHH YANNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!! I'm actually laughing the whole time reading this post. *clicks LIKE*

  2. just commented. go and read laa later. not done commenting. And KAH YAN, i still need typing classes. I had to errors just now. Aihz.

  3. U 2 IDIOTs!!! hate u!! KAHYAn...ish
